I was reading 2 Chronicles 20:3-9 this morning. This is where the people of God are facing attack from the surrounding nations. Three things stood out to me as I read.
1. Jehoshaphat begged the Lord for wisdom and guidance.
2. Jehoshaphat called the people to fast. This would focus the people’s attention of God and their reliance on Him.
3. Jehoshaphat called everyone together and asked God to save them in a public prayer.
In his prayer we see He proclaimed God as the only God in heaven, he said He was their God and the God of their ancestors, that He is all-powerful and no-one can stand against Him, that the people built the Temple to honour Him, and that they look to Him for protection and help as they had in the past.
I love Jehosaphat’s response as leader. He looked to God for wisdom and help and He prayed publicly so the people could stand together as one in their reliance and trust in God.
I think Jehosaphat showed a lot of wisdom that we can learn from today. If we are faced with trouble on all sides we an learn from him and ask the people to fast, pray and trust in God too.