In awe of Jesus

I was just reading and listening to John 13. This is where Jesus washes the disciples feet.

I am in awe of Jesus even more. Not only did He humbly wash the disciples feet, but I was reminded that He washed the feet of the betrayer Judas Iscariot!

In verse 2 we see that “The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus.”

In verse 4-5 “Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”

Then in verse 27… “As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.”

Reading about Jesus washing His disciples feet gives me a clear picture of being a humble servant. It inspires me to do the same.

Jesus served Judas knowing He would betray Him unto death. Knowing that Jesus sent His betrayer away with clean feet leaves me in awe.

Our natural thought is if we know someone was going to betray us is to keep our distance, to stay away from them or not talk to them. But Jesus washed Judas’ feet!

This is why I love Jesus. This is why I serve Jesus. This is why I live for Jesus. I am in total and complete awe of Him and how He showed us to live.


I was just looking online for some information about the YouVersion Bible app and I found this great resource on their website. It is called

This great free resource allows churches or ministries to go live online and stream their church services. I just watched the introduction video and it looks really easy to set up and use.

Here is some information from their website…

“Through Church Online Platform, your church can reach right into living rooms, offices, communities, and hearts of people no matter where they are in the world … and no matter where they are with God.

Church Online Platform has the unique features you need to interact with attenders, build community, and help hurting people find Jesus. And they’re all included completely free of charge.

You’ll get the Platform, every feature, ongoing support, and upgrades for the life of the tool—because eternities are at stake.”

Foolish and angry with God

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:3‬ ‭NLT‬‬ – People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord.

This is so true. I have met people who have gone their own way like the Prodigal son in Luke 15 and messed up. Then they shake their fist at God and blame Him for all the bad things in their lives. Like the Prodigal son, they need to return to their Father.

The key is to follow God and walk in His ways. It is gives wisdom, direction and help in daily life. If we mess up we can always go to God and confess. Walking with God is always better than walking in the ways of the world.


Dear God, please help me to follow You and walk in Your ways. I commit my life to You and to following Your wisdom from the Bible. Help me to live for You. Amen.

My favourite subject at school?

What was your favorite subject in school?

This is an interesting one as I have been to school twice. The first time for my education and the second time as a School Chaplain.

First time around my favourite subject was sport. I was good at Maths, but sport was always my favourite. I loved to run, play footy, cricket and always be moving. Especially in primary school before I got Rheumatoid Arthritis.

On my second go around as a School Chaplain it was sport again. I found sport was a great way to connect with the kids in an informal environment. It did not matter if it was footy, basketball, volleyball, or indoor hockey.

I can remember I did sport all day one time. I just followed the new PE teacher around on her first day and I joined in with every sport she set up for the kids. I went home exhausted, but it was a great fun day.

So my favourite subject at school was sport. As a kid and a grown up too!

Everyone should know…

What’s something you believe everyone should know.

Everyone should know the four things on the image above.

  1. It was prophesied for centuries that a Saviour would come. History tells us that Jesus came and was born in a manger and grew to be a man.
  2. The Bible tells us that Jesus died on the cross. He died to pay the price for our sin. He died so we can have a relationship with God for all eternity.
  3. The Bible also tells us that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and He appeared to over 500 witnesses.
  4. A great promise of the Bible is that one day Jesus is coming back for His people. He is coming back to take us to the place He has prepared for us.

These are four things I have spent more than half my life telling people about Jesus.

Jesus left the glories of heaven to come and save us. He could not stand the thought of us missing out of eternity, so He came for you and me.

If you would like to find peace with God and come in to a personal relationship with Him, you can visit the page below to find out more.

A kid at heart

What does it mean to be a kid at heart?

This is an easy one for me. When I worked as a school Chaplain I just joined in with whatever the kids were doing.

At first the kids thought it was a bit different, a guy in his late 50s running around and being a big kid, but they got used to it pretty quickly. I lost count of times I got asked to join in games.

While at school I played with dolls and cars in kindy, played tag and basketball with the middle school, and footy and cricket with the older kids.

Being a kid at heart was easy for me when you are around kids all day. You just have to join in and have fun and not worry about what the adults think!