
Free download: You can download our free discipleship booklet here.

Discipleship is what we call learning to follow Jesus in our daily lives. To get you started I have provided some suggestions to help you grow on your new journey as a disciple of Jesus. Below you will find some things that really helped me 35 years ago when I decided to follow Jesus.

Meet with other Christians

God wants us to meet with other Christians and be a part of a caring faith community. We see in the Bible that He wants us to have a support network and a place where we can learn more about Him. It will also help you to learn more about the church Sacraments like Baptism and Communion. We don’t recommend any church in particular, but encourage you to try a local one near you in your community. You can look on our links page to find links to the major churches in Australia.

Read the Bible

The Bible will help you to learn more about God and gives you practical advice about how we should live. A good place to start is the Gospel of Luke that is found in the New Testament. This book will give you information on the life of Jesus Christ and you will be able to read about His miracles and teachings to His followers. After this you can move on to the Book of Acts. This talks about the early church and how they got started. We also have a number of two week reading plans on our Bible Readings page. If you don’t have access to a Bible, you can find an online one here at www.biblegateway.com

Start to pray

Prayer is simply communicating with God. It is a part of building our relationship with Him. Just remember to keep it simple and be honest, you don’t have to use fancy words or hide your true feelings from God. The Bible tells us to give thanks to God for what He has done for us. It also says to ask for the things we need for ourselves and for others. Before long you will see the difference prayer makes in your life and in the lives of those around you. You can check out a post I did a while back on my morning prayer routine here.

Do a discipleship course

Doing a discipleship course will help you to set a solid foundation for your new life in Christ. We have a free booklet you can download. The booklet has 10 short studies on the Bible, prayer, church, serving God, sharing your faith and being assured of your salvation. It includes a number of Scriptures on each topic, some reflection questions, a simple prayer and some Bible memory verses.

Tell others about your new faith

Sharing your faith can be fun and rewarding. You might like to start by telling people close to you that you have accepted Jesus into your life. Telling others about your faith and decision to follow Jesus can will allow them to follow Him too. If you need some tips to help you share your faith you can visit our evangelism page here.


I would encourage you to pray and read your Bible each day and to find a local church you can attend each Sunday. I would also encourage you to do our free discipleship booklet. These four things will help you build a solid foundation for your new life in Christ.

Free download

You can download our free discipleship booklet here.